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Sa (Samsung) Tosh (Toshibi) In (Intel) Aka (Akamai) Moto (Motorola)

The Origins of Satoshi Nakamoto



Sa (Samsung) Tosh (Toshibi) In (Intel) Aka (Akamai) Moto (Motorola) was a pseudonym for Le Roux, an extremely brilliant criminal who invented Bitcoin, among countless other inventions such as TrueCrypt (the predecessor of VeraCrypt) and E4M. Paul Calder Le Roux, a bold and roman criminal, utilised his vast intellect for sport, inventions, crime, and generally exercised his creativity upon reality.

His story starts in the asbestos mining town where he was born, in Zimbabwe. Growing up, he was very antagonistic on internet forums and often argued about race, and he held a strong belief in the genetic aspect of intelligence and continually attributed his higher intellect to his racial composition. The majority of days he would post 5-100 times on the internet, arguing with strangers. I find his belief in racism interesting given that he never met his birth parents, was adopted, and at the time of his internet postings, genetic analysis had not reached anywhere near the level of accuracy of today. I think his insistence on racism despite not knowing his own race exactly, shows that he truly believed in racism from an intellectual standpoint.

Like many young men, Le Roux was inclined towards the sexual, and his initial ventures in his teens and early 20’s had a sexual connotation, with attempts to sell pornography and other sex-related commercial ventures. He was raised rich, and was very spoiled by his adoptive parents. This is backed up by all accounts, and is evidenced in the couple’s desire to adopt in the first place.

As all criminals do, he moved to Australia and settled down. Living in Perth and Sydney, he has many children in Australia today. They are not famous or talented. He hated Australians, and expended significant effort to hurt Australian’s until he was eventually captured. Le Roux was obsessed with hurting others, in permanent ways including death. He created a company called “World Away Pty,” and was generally obsessed with the dark side of life. He pioneered technology and was the first person to invent computer encryption that could do entire disks with plausible deniability, with no help and from scratch. He released this and many other potentially profitable inventions for free, while making his money from illegal means despite seemingly sacrificing more legitimate income. This and many other illogical decisions are a constant theme throughout the lives of those who create new inventions, because a unique personality is required to create unique inventions. Regardless of the reason, it’s clear he just liked crime.

Le Roux was obsessed with civil liberty, and his ideology was that of a libertarian and his language in relation to civil liberty borrowed from the lexicon of the founding fathers and other historical figures considerably. He divorced his wife in Brisbane in 1999. He has never been accused or convicted of a sex crime, and treated his wife well. Le Roux moved to Hong Kong and married an Asian woman.

In a fake attempt to monetise E4M, he launched a shell programming company to launder money. Every company Le Roux founded made little money and closed down relatively soon after he opened them. Eventually, Le Roux started selling quasi-legal medications in the United States. He sold prescription drugs, using doctors as a rubber stamp to issue prescriptions for unexciting and low profile prescription drugs, such as Ultram. Eventually, he became very rich from this setup, rich enough to buy his own infrastructure and hosting company. Le Roux utilised jurisdictions to commit crime, which, while not unusual for a wealthy criminal, is of note due to the degree to which he utilised this specific aspect of law, moving around and shifting entities constantly.
Le Roux set up a call centre in Israel, which he moved to the Philippines. He moved the Israeli call centre employees to the Philippines, because he was racist and Jewish people ranked relatively high in his racial rankings, in the top 5, and at the time wages were low in Israel. Le Roux created Bitcoin around 2009. When Ultram was banned in 2011 he began making less money, but he had made enormous amounts from that business and others, and had bought countless assets and land worldwide.

Le Roux abused cocaine and methamphetamine, although with many other drugs. Most of his accomplices were from intelligence agency and the army, which has lead many to wonder whether these were actually his accomplices, or if these were just the people who had agreed to act as accomplices once it was discovered he had created Bitcoin, and Bitcoin became popular, which made him an attractive target to countless groups. He is accused of, in addition to countless murders, smuggling arms to Iran, funding Somalian armies, smuggling guns to militants all across Asia, committing crimes in international waters, and much more. It is interesting that the crimes he is accused of allows investigation in every jurisdiction, when the man himself primarily evaded capture via the use and abuse of jurisdiction. Whether he committed these very grandiose crimes in every jurisdiction imaginable, or if this was a coordinated attempt to revoke his main defence, we will never know. He would not be the first criminal to lie, nor would his accusers be the first to frame someone, making truth hard to discern.

Le Roux was arrested for drug charges, despite having no history of drug selling. The official account is that a DEA informant asked Le Roux to facilitate a drug lab in Liberia, to produce methamphetamine. Le Roux agreed, in exchange for 100kg of cocaine for each 100kg of methamphetamine produced. Le Roux lived in Brazil at this time, and was protected from extradition because his wife was Brazilian, and that’s Brazil’s law. It strikes me and others as odd that someone in South America, Brazil, would travel to Liberia to seek cocaine. Therefore, the official account is much doubted and I am among the agnostic as it relates to his arrest. I also doubt a man of Le Roux’s creativity, resources, and stature would help someone in a conventional attempt at drug production using antiquated processes, in exchange for drugs. The man lived in Brazil. Cocaine is cheaper in South America than anywhere else, but he is accused of helping set up a meth lab in Liberia in exchange for cocaine. It’s just dumb.

Working undercover for the DEA, he assisted in the arrest of 18 other people, through sting operations where he would ask others to manufacture methamphetamine for the cartel, who, presumably, couldn’t figure out how to make meth themselves. These associates apparently had their meth labs in North Korea, which I suppose was the most convenient location for his South American associates to locate their labs. I have heard in South America they refer to Pyongyang as the “Paris of Asia,” which explains everything.

Le Roux had diplomatic immunity in and via multiple countries, and was arrested with a Congolese diplomatic passport.