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The only encryption that is both online and offline while being quantum-computer and mathematically secure.

The Military's Most Secure Encryption, Revealed



While conventional data encryption is more than enough for your average person, the military needs to ensure that it can encrypt information  anywhere in the world, whether there is a computer present or not.

It is already well known that since the 1960’s the gold stand in offline military encryption has been OTP, or One Time Pads. In this Library.Army exclusive release, for the very first time we will be revealing to the public how to use OTP without having to share or store randomly generated text anywhere, neither yourself or your recipient need to have randomly generated text stored where it can be discovered, be lost, or just take up space for years.

We will also be sharing, online for the first time, a tactic for plausible deniability when using traditional OTP.

You need nothing but a pen and paper to get started, and even that is optional. A computer can be used, however, this is a relatively niche capability, there being more pragmatic and useful options for the computer as it relates to encryption.

The backbone of this offline military encryption system is OTP, One Time Pads, and for a general history of OTP you can read the Wikipedia article or search elsewhere. We will not waste time with a history when it has already been well covered elsewhere.

OTP can be utilised via a shared list of randomly generated letters, words or symbols. This is the easiest way, and is well documented online. This article about generating random text for OTP on-the-fly, in a way where the encrypted text can be shared without anyone intercepting the text being able to decode it.

You do not need to share the specific random text you use as a key with the other person beforehand, they need only know your short algorithm and the word or sentence you give them, which can be remembered in the head for life, never stored outside of your mind in any form.

Secret System Revealed 

Codename: Logos Scrolls

Basis: This system uses the Dirty Diana OTP system, and a seed word. The flow is as such:

  1. Pick a word or sentence that is trivial to remember, let’s say “Logos” as an example.
  2. 2. The word is converted to functionally random data using deterministic generation.
  3. The functionally random data is combined with the text you want to encrypt using the Dirty Diana OTP system.
  4. Now, you have encrypted text which is mathematically secure, quantum resistant, and cannot be cracked by any means possible either now or in the future. You only need to share the word or sentence to the other party at some stage beforehand, you do NOT need to share the physical random text or have them store or hide it in any form.
  5. OTP is the only encryption algorithm which is mathematically secure, which means it has been demonstrated by mathematics to be unable to decrypt, as the output is indistinguishable from random data. 5. data. It is a demonstrable aspect of reality that text encrypted via Logos Scroll cannot be decrypted, except using the hammer decryption method, which consists of hitting the original encryptor with a hammer until he relents.

In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God.

Before the field reference guide, I must caution that while this encryption method can easily be done with nothing except a paper and pencil, it is much faster on a computer or with a calculator. You will also have your own algorithm for steps 1 2 and 3, your “password,” which you only need create once and remember for the rest of your life. I have italicised the sections you can modify for clarity.

Below is an EXAMPLE, as your modifications prior to step 4, your “password” will be unique to you and whosoever you choose to share it with. I have italicised what you may customise yourself as your password, and remember in a simple manner. My “password” in the example below is “Letters to numbers, multiply by 9, add initials.” This is easy to remember, and I only need to remember it once in my life. Really, all I have to remember is “multiply by 9 and add initials” as I am doing no variation on letters to numbers, and repeating in an obvious way. How easy is that for a password that will last forever for every text you encrypt?

This encryption is unique because it can be done using basic mathematics online or offline, cannot be decoded even by quantum computers, and is the fundamental algorithm that initiated the study of randomness in a utilitarian context.

Randomness, in addition to its dictionary definition, refers to what is too complex to understand. Many patterns throughout history were “random” until we discovered the pattern. A thorough understanding of randomness is an essential prerequisite to any inventor or anybody who intends to do or discover what has not been previously, as “randomness” is the only known trait of what is known to be unknown revealed to us, and only through random aspects can we even derive the existence of higher orders and intelligence through inference.

To be clear, this encryption method is only the optimal choice in extremely niche circumstances, and more of an academic interest.

Anyway here’s the code:

1. Take your word, in this case “Logos” and apply the most basic alphabet cypher to it, where 1 = A and 26 = Z. Anybody can do this quickly in their head, if you are dumb you may write out the alphabet and the numbers next to it. We have the first output, 121571519. Do your initials at the same time, mine are MP, which equals 1316.

2. Write it forwards and backwards for approximately the length of your message, this results in 121571519915175121121571519915175121.

3. Multiple each single integer (1-9) by 9, which results in 9189456394545818199451963545189189456394545818199451963545189. Add your initials to the end, in my case 1316. Now we have: 91894563945458181994519635451891894563945458181994519635451891316

4. You will now be converting this string to binary via modular addition. If you don’t know modular addition, you should familiarise yourself with modular concepts. We will be using 3 as our modulo which averages at 40% in this context, minus the inferred checksums. Add each integer against its neighbour using modular addition and a modulo of 3. This results in 102102002000001100110211002000011100011.

5. Finally, “spend” all the 2s subtracting one from each 2 and moving it 2 integers to the right, flipping 0’s to 1s and 1’s to 0s. If a 2 lands on another 2 remove it. Once complete, go through the entire sequence and flip every third integer. This brings us to 99%+ randomness. 100% is not required, see very important explanation below.

6. Combine your text with the data, store or send it, get a drink, and reflect upon how your paranoia is impacting your family and mental health.

That is the basic skeleton, and if you are new to encryption, this introduces you to both deterministic generation and randomness theory. Deterministic generation is the most advanced and well-researched aspect of mathematics, integral to AI and cryptocurrencies, but there is next to no documentation online. Make sure to check our article section frequently for the only detailed explanations as to how to implement deterministic generation in many contexts without specialised equipment, which will allow you to understand and participate in the future. We will be be the only source of a lot of brand new Deterministic Generation information, which, shockingly, is not online.

Very important explanation: Before you protest by pointing out that true randomness is required for OTP, understand that true randomness does not exist. If you roll alphabet dice, the most common way to get random integers, that dice is weighted more heavily on one side than the other due to manufacturing or other physical imperfections inherent to every object that exists, and the dice throw will skew to a small degree towards a subset of letters.

Flipping a coin for binary is not true randomness, as one side of the coin is heavier. Scientists have determined a coin flip is not 50/50 but 49.96 due to it not being a blank disc. If it was a blank disc it would still not be a true random flip, as inevitable density variations, unseen electrical and wave factors, and other factors would reduce the randomness of the results below 100%. Even factors such as the earth’s gravitational field and other factors fundamental to existing on earth prevent true randomness.

“True” randomness does not exist, it never has and never will, it is a theoretical concept only of interest to philosophers or other theoretics. At Library.Army we are concerned only with functional randomness, that is to say, randomness of a sufficient degree to make word analysis impossible. 99%+ is more than enough, and this method achieves above 99%.

The only circumstance possible wherein the text above could be decoded is if it was used to encode an enormous amount of text, many hundreds of thousands of pages, which of course nobody would do.

Plausible Deniability For Traditional OTP

If you have random text you share with someone else for traditional OTP, and you send a message which is intercepted, and you are in a hostile jurisdiction such as North Korea or a station filled with people who didn’t graduate high school and thus must provide a translation in exchange for your freedom, you can take the text of the message which you send to the other person, do an OTP encryption using that message as the random text, because of course it is random text after all, with the second encryption being a fake message, talking about how handsome you find Kim Jong and his big bombs. Plus, that haircut. He’s not conventionally attractive, and I’m not gay, but he has such kind eyes, and a charm you cannot contextualise even as it seduces you. If your message is intercepted, you can just say it was the code text, and provide the second OTP message as the message. This satisfies all legal requirements from the corrupt criminal cops as both texts combine into a decrypted message, and can even be an opportunity for you to control the narrative. In this manner, with a second encrypted text for each message you send, you have total plausible deniability in a way that cannot be disproved in any manner, and more importantly, is believable.

Our Offline iOS and Google Store Application

Our phone application is in development, and will include a traditional library service with millions of books for free, eBooks, a program library, and our security section will include educational materials and a functional security section where you can encrypt using AES and zero-width characters with one click, deterministically generate passwords from single words, and secure your network. For the first time in history, a useful phone application will be available, the only application to ever be for your benefit with no hidden motivation, an application that will stand as a sign and symbol for eternity that the Lord God still exists, and our library is his institution on earth. When you download our phone application, you will need no other, you will not be delayed by captchas nor degraded by frivolous requests for unnecessary information. You will have access to all knowledge and things, and every service for the benefit of your life and longevity. Our app will request nothing in return, our yoke is light and our harvest bountiful, and upon download I will wipe the tears from your eyes, and you will be my people, and I, your God. Make sure to check back regularly for our library app available in iOS and Google Play, the first 100 people to sign up will get a free JB HiFi gift card.