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They Mistranslated Matthew 27 & Most of the Bible

New Testament Research Discovery

There is much talk about the New Testament, of who wrote it first, where it originated, and so forth. The facts are self evident and obvious, obscured by very angry and stupid people. Here is a decent overview of the origination of the New Testament.

The New Testament was, of course, originally written in Koine Greek. Proponents of the Peshitta being the original text are misunderstanding because they can’t read. Here are their main arguments, and the rebuttals.

Inaccuracy 1: The Peshitta makes more sense. In the Peshitta, Jesus says that it’s easier for a rope to fit through the eye of a needle, instead of a camel to fit through the eye of a needle.

Rebuttal 1: Jesus references letters often, for example most translations correctly describe him referring to jots and tittles, etc. Jesus was Jewish, and most early Jewish texts he would have studied would have been in the Phoenician alphabet. To understand what Jesus was saying, look at this Phoenician alphabet.

As you can see from this image, “eye of the needle” and “camel” are both the names of Phoenician letters. This sounds odd, but it makes sense because the Phoenician alphabet was the first, and all the letter names come from the hieroglyphs which the sound is derived from. Each letter was named after the first hieroglyph that started with the corresponding letter sound, leading to very confusing sounding names to modern readers. For example, if “Snake” was the first hieroglyph in the hieroglyph list at the time of the alphabet creation, “S” would be named snake. We know this because there is 100% correlation between the name of the word and the starting sound of each word.

Jesus was not saying a letter could fit through a letter, that is just the only way to translate it if you have no knowledge of the letters he was referring to. The camel and eye of the needle quote is from Matthew 19:24 and others in current translations. The verses are arbitrary recent additions, the chapters and verses being 15th century additions, not in the original Koine Greek block-texts which don’t even have spaces let alone verses or other separations.

Christ is saying that it is as easy to turn a camel (a letter, shown in above photo) into an eye of a needle (a similar letter with an additional flourish, like turning an l into a t) as it is to turn a rich man into a man of God. The astonishment after was due to to his remark’s contradiction with the Jewish law of the time, the apostles react similarly to most of his revelations throughout the text. He is saying it is as simple to turn a rich man into a man of God as it is to turn a camel into an eye of a needle, it just takes a little bit of well directed effort.

The correct translation of this crucial quote from Christ is self evident and obvious to anyone who can read Koine Greek, the problem is, the Bible has been raped by various denominations over the years, and of course, we have much more access to materials now in our modern age than the English translators did in their time. KJV, the most popular “original” English translation, was written over 1,500 years after Christ died. They are not “original” translations in any sense. My translation is far more accurate not because I am more intelligent, I simply have access to a far greater knowledge base, and my Lebanese background and research of ancient Lebanon happened to coincide with my ability to read Koine Greek in a way that allowed me to recognise what is a very obvious, and not complex, fact. In the time of Christ there was Judea, above that Samaria, and above that Galilee. Here is a map of Israel in the time of Christ, Jesus lived in northern Galilee. You can see Magdala, Chorazin, Nazareth , etc are all north of Lebanon’s southern border. The Sea of Galilee is in the North.

Israel in the time of christ
Israel in the time of christ

To compare his distance to the major cities of each country, Jesus would have to travel 7x as long to reach Judea in Israel as he would to reach Tyre in Lebanon from the Sea of Galilee. I am not pulling Phoenician letters out of a hat, his education would have consisted of a mix of religious texts from various languages, and it is mentioned in the Bible he was hyper-intelligent and surpassed adult intelligence before puberty, and certainly was a textual polyglot as many others of his time were. What’s not discussed about Christ enough, is his ferocious God-tier intelligence, which has been bottle-necked by the capacity of English translators to convey his metaphors.

Look at the letters in the photo, this is the well established Phoenician alphabet accepted by every scholar. The officially accepted Phoenician alphabet is off by two letters for some reason, unrelated to this article’s contents, but that is going off topic. Jesus’ metaphor makes perfect sense because a camel can easily be turned into an eye of a needle with one swoosh, and it’s in line with his constant references to letters. Remember, in the beginning was the WORD, and the word was with God.

As it says in the good book, God gave this to the rich and poor alike – eyes to see.

Jesus referring to Phoenician letters, and the associated change of meaning to Christ’s most famous quote, is actually yet another original discovery by our head Docent Max Pollard, the Paul Erdos of etymology, who has earned the title of being “the first person to read the entire Bible” at Library.Army. Jesus refers to Phoenician letters constantly throughout the Bible, and when these letters are added together they form a complete coherent sentence, of enormous religious significance.

The Peshitta makes more “sense” because it is a translation for a different region – people “fixed it up” so to speak, stripping it of nuance and meaning, when a reference they did not understand rendered the text unpalatable. It takes someone doing an original translation from Koine Greek who is familiar with ancient languages to notice this distinction, but we do the research so you don’t have to. It’s just that the Peshitta proponents are largely illiterate, and cannot read except some Arabic. Those who believe the New Testament was written in Hebrew are just going based off geography and their gut feeling, and while Jesus was Jewish, clearly the original texts about him were written in Koine Greek.

Established: The Bible was originally written in Koine Greek, which is generally accepted, but disputed constantly.

The synoptic problem concerns the literary relationship which scholars detect between the “last” three gospels.

The phenomena to be explained are these:

1. Some 90% of Mark’s 661 verses are found very often ipsis verbis in either Matthew or Luke or in both, over 600 in Matthew, and around 350 in Luke.

2. The order of Mark’s narrative is reproduced similarly.

3. Where the wordings differ, Matthew and Luke rarely agree together against mark, one or the other usually supports him.

4. Where there is no parrallell passage in Mark, Matthew and Luke in about 200 verses, resemble each other.

Most protestants, who are generally less intelligent than Catholics, accept as an established theory the Two-Document Hypothesis and that of Markan priority. In other words, they say that Mark was written first, and was used by Matthew and Luke, who presumably just like to slightly re-write other people’s work in a time where doing as such was a rare skill and quite costly, and that the fourth peculiarity noted above is explained by their use of a second source, commonly referred to simply as Q in typical Anglican fashion of avoiding full words. Catholics more generally argue for the priority of Matthew, if priority is an opinion, many have no opinion on the subject even after being educated on it.

So the question is, how do we know the Gospels are not just 3 derivatives based on a single source? This is fairly obvious from the variance. The exact overlap of sentences is not unusual to me at in a Koine Greek context, a simple language with no capitalisation, spaces, punctuation and many other simplicities. Exact sentences matching is much, much, much more likely than with English. Where they vary is where the information is. If you look at the differences in writing, they are all indicative of direct knowledge of the same event.

For example, Matthew states the robe Jesus was forced to wear before being murdered was “scarlet,” and Mark and John say it was “purple.” This difference shows that they both know what type of robe the dictator of the time was wearing, that being Phoenician Purple, which despite it’s name dyes both purple and red. The New Testament also mentioned that a major income source for the original church was the selling of Phoenician Purple, such as mentioned in Acts 16:14, which states a major donor to the Church was a seller of Phoenician Purple. By the way, we sell Phoenician Purple in our online store, sourced from Lebanon and verified in USA, we have the purest product at the best price. This is not a chemical source, we killed thousands of snails for this dye, very rare, buy while you can.

Each Gospel differs in ways that are confusing to anyone not familiar with the objective reality they were referring to at a specific point in time. This is the fundamental aspect – a lot of what they are writing makes no sense to other cultures, or to the same culture at a later date. The notion these were copies makes no sense in that context, and with no evidence for copies being made, and much evidence against, on the balance of probabilities these gospels were written during roughly the same time period. The fact that Paul refers to the life of Jesus as well known, as if through what we now call the Gospels, a mere 70 years later is proof enough. Don’t let Anglicans confuse you with algebraic codenames and weird stuff, if you understand Koine Greek it’s actually extremely clear. They don’t know Koine Greek, they work one hour a week on Sunday only. If you work one hour a week you do not go learning dead languages and researching heavily just to sing “Our God is an Awesome God” with an acoustic guitar one hour per week. It doesn’t matter how many McKayla’s you can pack into a refurbished Bass Pro store every Sunday, they are wrong on this issue.

The references to objective reality are so specific they have to come from the same date and time. For example, they never mentioned that Christ was crucified against a tree, so most depictions of Christ are on a freestanding cross. They never mentioned this because they wrote for their contemporaries, who they assumed knew where the local Romans killed the local criminals. This is a very specific time frame we are talking about here.

If it wasn’t for Paul mentioning Christ was nailed to a tree (Cursed is he who hangs from a tree, but Christ died for you and me. – Galatians 3:13) we would not even know Christ’s cross was nailed to a tree, because they mention absolutely nothing that a person from the local time period would not already be familiar with.

So we have established the time period, place, and language of the original Gospels. So who wrote them? Fantastic question, after thorough research I have determined they were written by four men named Luke, Matthew, John, and Mark who lived in the time of Christ. Do you want their last names to look them up on Facebook? You don’t know them.

A lot of uneducated people hide their lack of understanding with complexity.

This is done in many fields, but especially religious history. If you do not know the answer, of course, it is not because you are not educated enough to know, it’s because the matter is so complex – and of course, so nuanced – that nobody could possibly know, and in fact, there’s so little evidence, nobody can ever know, which is why I don’t know. We do have the answers, and not stupid euphemisms or unnecessary technical language. We treat you like you are intelligent, because you are, and you’ll find no better source of actually useful information than on Library.Army.

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The 7 most powerful armies in the world lost to goat herders in Afghanistan, because we forgot about Christ. The number one atheist country in the world by population right now is China, and the second by population is North Korea. Atheism ruins countries. Atheism is OK on a micro level, I love atheists, and don’t believe that atheists need to convert to Christianity, but they are reducing our freedoms, losing every war, and limiting our most creative minds with inert, confined, rigid, and inflexible mental structures.

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